DPR Roofing works hard to help families make the most of their roof space should they be looking to include windows in a loft extension or any other ideas in roof repair or new build work.

Because of this, we often keep an eye out for any ways in which new materials can make roofs last longer, or ways to improve usability. Last week we were made aware of a school in China that was unable to build a conventional playground and running track for students due to its space-saving location, so it used its oval shaped roof to build an impressive banked outdoor 200m roof top running track.

The elementary school in Tiantai, in Zhejiang, province has over 1800 schools and started using the track last Monday, to the delight of the school’s principal. For a UK based school this may be used for only track meets and athletics training. In China however they will be able to use the 3000 square metres for students to play on during lunchtimes and to help provide high quality physical education lessons.

The school only has a 7,210 square metre footprint and is based in the middle of the region so a playground and playing fields are not available. A track on the school roof however solved a problem. It is believed that this innovative idea might also help to solve the problem of other schools in the area that are struggling for playing and exercise space.

AT DPR we also believe in working to the very highest levels of safety on all our roof work in Leeds so were delighted to hear that safety has been taken very importantly on this build. They have used a protective three layered-system to combat any issues. The outer wall is a 1.8m tall tempered glass wall, and a safety glass wall has been built to stop children climbing. The middle wall has a green belt structure and the inner layer is a 1.2m tall stainless steel rail. There is also constant CCTV and teacher supervision at all times.

At DPR roofing, we think this running track on a roof is a great idea and it shows how you can use your roof for great things. Although we are not advising you put a running track on top of your building, you may be able to make more out of your home or commercial building by creating a roof top terrace (planning permission may be required) and much more.

If however you have a more usual new roof or roof repair issue or would like professional roofing services for your build in Leeds, please call our Leeds roofers on 0113 335 0043.