Whether metal or plastic, or whether sealed with sealant or with a rubber gasket, gutter joints will deteriorate over time and lead to leaks. Here is a guide to help you fix your leaking gutter joints:
Fixing metal gutter joints
In the case of metal guttering that has nuts and bolts that are corroded, you can attempt to fix the leak by scraping off any rust and dirt and then drying it, before using an applicator gun to apply sealant.
If this doesn’t fix the leak, you will have to dismantle the joint and then reseal it, again using the sealant applicator gun. Here is what you need to do this:
• Protective clothing: Gloves and safety goggles
• Tools: A spanner, hammer, chisel (preferably old), wire brush, small trowel, filing knife with a narrow blade, paintbrush and sealant applicator gun, in addition to a ladder that is equipped with a stand-off bracket. In some cases, you might need a nail punch and a junior hacksaw.
• Materials: Roof-and-gutter sealant, metal primer and the right size replacement nut and bolt.
What to do:
Step 1: Use the spanner to undo the nut which secures the joint into place. If the nut won’t budge, you can use the junior hacksaw to cut through the bolt, before removing the stalk with the aid of the hammer and nail punch.
Step 2: Use the hammer to gently separate the joint piece from the other sections of guttering to which it is attached.
Step 3: When you have dismantled the joint, use the chisel to remove any remaining old putty use the wire brush to remove any rust.
Step 4: Apply a coat of the metal primer to end of the gutter , as well as the joint piece and leave to dry.
Step 5: Apply the sealant onto the joint piece, and refix the other sections of the gutter on to it.
Step 6: Fasten the new nut and bolt to secure the joint.
Fixing plastic gutter joints
In the case of plastic guttering, leaks can be caused by dirt forcing the gutter join apart. This is because the sections where the pieces of guttering either join or connect with a downpipe are clipped to a union piece or connector which is equipped with gaskets to make the gutter water tight, making it more vulnerable to dirt than metal gutter joins.
That said, dismantling the joins are easier and can be achieved by squeezing the sides of the gutter. Check for dirt (the likely cause) and if there is none, it is quite possible the gaskets will need to be renewed. What you will need to do this:
• Protective clothing: Gloves and safety googles
• Tools: Ladder equipped with a stand-off bracket and a filling knife.
• Materials: Replacement gaskets or sealant for gutters and roofs.
What to do:
Step 1: Being careful, raise the end of each section of guttering and look out for the gasket in the connector, and when you find the gasket, peel it away.
Step 2: Take the new gaskets and press them firmly into position. Alternatively, you can use sealant to fill in the grooves left by the now absent faulty gaskets.
Step 3: Refix the join ny squeezing each section in at the sides in much the same way that you would do to dismantle the join, and ease the join back into place.
As roofers with a great deal of experience in providing new roofs and roof repairs for the people of Leeds, gutter repairs come very much with the territory, so if you need any help or advice with regard to problems with your gutters, please contact us on 0113 335 0043.